AOEpeople / aoe_technology_radar

Create your own Technology Radar: A static site generator for a full featured Technology Radar. Features: Quadrants, Rings, Dashboard, Radar Visualization, Item History, Search etc..

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Number of quadrants in the Radar pie.

arash-hajikhani opened this issue · comments


Would it be possible to define the number of quadrants? The default is a pie which has four quadrants. Where to modify so the pie happens to be three pieces for example?

Same requirement here. Is it possible to have more than 4 quadrants in the radar?

I created an own version of the techradar that's very similar to this one from Zalando - but you can adjust the number of slices (quadrants) and rings dynamically. Check it out:


Looks great @chrishrb ! have you been working on it so far? For example having some additions to see more description for each blob would be very nice to have