ALTaleX531 / TranslucentFlyouts

Translucent effect for most of the win32 flyouts

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"Fluent Animation" conflicts with Nilesoft Shell context menu

emvaized opened this issue · comments

When "Fluent Animation" enabled in settings, TranslucentFlyouts tries to animate context menus created by Nilesoft Shell. However, animation doesn't work, and it just creates a delay when popup background is showing with no items in it:

2024-03-07172411-ezgif com-video-to-gif-converter

I can think of 2 solutions for this problem:

  1. Fix incompatibility with Nilesoft Shell, so that context menus created by this utility gets animated like the rest of context menus
  2. If it's improssible, then don't try to animate context menus from Nilesoft Shell

Thank you

After a quick look at the code for Nilesoft Shell, I realized that it is highly invasive software because it takes over the rendering of the menus directly, so TranslucentFlyouts doesn't work at all, which means that the two can't be used at the same time. If you wish to have the animation feature, ask Nilesoft Shell to add it.
However, v3 has an undocumented feature and you can mitigate the conflict by creating a new dword value in the registry called explorer.exe and setting it to 1.

Thanks, I'll try that!

Animation is already requested at Nilesoft Shell. I guess I'm looking more for the way of mitigating the conflict.

Hhm, I guess Registry workaround doesn't work for me for some reason... I added the key, restarted the system, but it still tries to animate Nilesoft Shell's menu

I also found out that TranslucentFlyouts keeps showing this error on every manual Explorer restart (it restarts with no problem):
Снимок экрана 2024-03-07 233648

Probably it just can't properly detect my explorer.exe proccess sometimes...

Well, I don't know why it doesn't work there, please try creating that dword value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TranslucentFlyouts\Menu\DisabledList, that shouldn't be a problem.
I'll remove that stupid detection and introduce a more efficient solution in the next version.

please try creating that dword value

I did already. Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem.

Are you using the latest version?

Sorry, I didn't noticed the new release.

Yes, "DisabledList" registry key works now in latest version.
However, excluding the whole explorer.exe leads to translucity not applied to all tooltips in Explorer (such as details tooltip when hovering any file or folder)


This is why the DisabledList item exists under the Menu subkey, where you can create dword value.

This way it works. Thanks a lot!