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Suggestions for elegant_helloworld are welcome here. 给helloworld代码提建议

Yonv1943 opened this issue · comments

If you have any suggestion about ElegantRL Helloworld, you can discuss them here, and we will keep an eye on this issue.
ElegantRL's code, especially the Helloworld, really needs a lot of feedback to be better.

如果大家对ElegantRL 的 Helloworld 有什么意见,可以在此处讨论,我们会持续关注这个问题
ElegantRL 的代码,尤其是 Helloworld 真的需要很多人的反馈,才能改好。

We hope that the ElegantRL Helloworld would help people who want to learn about reinforcement learning to quickly run a few introductory examples.
Based on previous feedback, we've come up with a few requirements for the Helloworld code, with reasons in parentheses, to discuss with you.

  • Less lines of code. (In order to allow the reader to read it in 10 minutes, we want the code lines <1000)
  • Less packages requirements. (To reduce the installation time and difficulty of the code, only torch for deep learning, and gym gym[Box2D]` for RL learning environment should be installed)
  • have a gentle learning curve for reader.. (The reader can learn about reinforcement learning through the code, or learn about the core code of ElegantRL, so we show the DRL algorithm in order: DQN -> DDPG -> PPO)
  • Helloworld code should be in a consistent style with the full version of ElegantRL. (To help the reader's understanding of ElegantRL through ElegantRL_helloworld)

我们想要改写 ElegantRL 的 Helloworld 代码,希望它能帮助想要了解 强化学习的人快速运行几个入门例子。
根据大家的反馈,我们提出了对 Helloworld 代码的几点要求,并在括号内给出原因,同大家讨论:

  • 代码行数要少。(为了方便读者能在10分钟内读完,helloworld版本的代码量将维持在1000行以内)
  • 代码依赖的安装的包要足够少。(减少代码的安装时间,降低安装难度,只需要安装深度学习必备的 torch, 以及标准学习环境 gym,可选的 gym[Box2D]
  • 代码要有平缓的学习曲线。(读者可以通过代码了解强化学习,或者了解ElegantRL的核心代码,所以我们按顺序展示了DRL算法:DQN -> DDPG -> PPO
  • 代码要与 ElegantRL 完整版的代码 保持统一的风格。(方便读者通过 ElegantRL_helloworld 了解 ElegantRL

If you are just starting learining about reinforcement learning, or coding, then your suggestions will be even more valuable to us (the helloworld code is positioned to help most people). Feel free to leave your suggestions here.


The following show our discussion, including What are changed? and Why change them?:

  • mid_layer_num -> num_layer, the number layer of multilayer perceptron
  • def get_action(self, state): return a int variable, add comment
  • rd.rand() > self.explore_rate: --> self.explore_rate < rd.rand():
  • complete the variable names: inp --> input, out --> output, a_std_log -> action_std_log
  • explore_noise --> explore_noise_std, standard deviation of exploration action noise
  • dist_entropy --> entropy
  • def get_a_to_e(action): is a bad function name. This function converts action of network output to the action of environment input. So we plan to change get_a_to_e to convert_action_for_env

  • remove env_num, it is the code of vectorized env. And it should not be here (ElegantRL helloworld)
  • ten --> tensor
  • self.convert_trajectory(traj_list) --> convert_trajectory_transition()

  • move function def kwargs_filter() to def build_env(). The reader don't need to know about it.

  • move class Arguments to The code that appears in should be related to the training pipeline.
  • add torch.set_grad_enabled(False)


| Steps 1.03e+03 ExpR 1.00 | ObjC 0.03 ObjA 1.51
| Steps 1.46e+04 ExpR 1.00 | ObjC 0.25 ObjA 10.95


这里提到hello world有sac的demo,但是代码里面并没有sac。

I suggest that the tutorial documentation can be written by referring to pycaret, very fast, simple and effective, and hopefully with a few more complete examples, very useful for beginners

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Has it been removed/replaced? This makes some of the examples, such as tutorial_helloworld_DQN_DDPG_PPO.ipynb, unrunnable.