Tools for the Automatic Checking of Research Outputs. These are the tools for researchers to use as drop-in replacements for commands that produce outputs in Stata Python and R

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Dependency versions

rpreen opened this issue · comments

The CI tools (including the tests) are run using the dependency versions from requirements.txt so the pandas version we test against is 1.4.4. However, when running the tests with the latest pandas, the error below is generated. As a temporary solution, the version has been set to ~=1.4.4. We should either figure out how to change our code to be compatible with 2.1.0 or find out what the maximum version number is that acro works with to set the version number more loosely i.e., <=.

The error with pandas==2.1.0:

data =        charity grant_type  index  year  inc_activity  inc_grants  ...  sh_assets_balance  sh_income_assets  sh_staff_a...0.391120          0.203788         3.242479               0.062849               0.308406  4.0

[918 rows x 44 columns]
acro = <acro.acro.ACRO object at 0x7fc3449b3340>

    def test_finalise_json(data, acro):
        """Finalise json test."""
        _ = acro.crosstab(data.year, data.grant_type)
        acro.add_exception("output_0", "Let me have it")
        # write JSON
        result: Records = acro.finalise(PATH, "json")
        # load JSON
        loaded: Records = load_records(PATH)
        orig = result.get_index(0)
        read = loaded.get_index(0)
        # check equal
        assert orig.uid == read.uid
        assert orig.status == read.status
        assert orig.output_type == read.output_type
        assert ==
        assert orig.sdc == read.sdc
        assert orig.command == read.command
        assert orig.summary == read.summary
        assert orig.comments == read.comments
        assert orig.timestamp == read.timestamp
>       assert (orig.output[0].reset_index()).equals(read.output[0])
E       assert False
E        +  where False = <bound method NDFrame.equals of grant_type  year   G   N   R  R/G\n0           2010  15  59  71  NaN\n1           2011  ... 15  59  71  NaN\n3           2013  15  59  71  NaN\n4           2014  15  59  71  NaN\n5           2015  15  59  71  NaN>(   year   G   N   R  R/G\n0  2010  15  59  71  NaN\n1  2011  15  59  71  NaN\n2  2012  15  59  71  NaN\n3  2013  15  59  71  NaN\n4  2014  15  59  71  NaN\n5  2015  15  59  71  NaN)
E        +    where <bound method NDFrame.equals of grant_type  year   G   N   R  R/G\n0           2010  15  59  71  NaN\n1           2011  ... 15  59  71  NaN\n3           2013  15  59  71  NaN\n4           2014  15  59  71  NaN\n5           2015  15  59  71  NaN> = grant_type  year   G   N   R  R/G\n0           2010  15  59  71  NaN\n1           2011  15  59  71  NaN\n2           2012  15  59  71  NaN\n3           2013  15  59  71  NaN\n4           2014  15  59  71  NaN\n5           2015  15  59  71  NaN.equals
E        +      where grant_type  year   G   N   R  R/G\n0           2010  15  59  71  NaN\n1           2011  15  59  71  NaN\n2           2012  15  59  71  NaN\n3           2013  15  59  71  NaN\n4           2014  15  59  71  NaN\n5           2015  15  59  71  NaN = <bound method DataFrame.reset_index of grant_type   G   N   R  R/G\nyear                       \n2010        15  59  71 ...1  NaN\n2012        15  59  71  NaN\n2013        15  59  71  NaN\n2014        15  59  71  NaN\n2015        15  59  71  NaN>()
E        +        where <bound method DataFrame.reset_index of grant_type   G   N   R  R/G\nyear                       \n2010        15  59  71 ...1  NaN\n2012        15  59  71  NaN\n2013        15  59  71  NaN\n2014        15  59  71  NaN\n2015        15  59  71  NaN> = grant_type   G   N   R  R/G\nyear                       \n2010        15  59  71  NaN\n2011        15  59  71  NaN\n2012        15  59  71  NaN\n2013        15  59  71  NaN\n2014        15  59  71  NaN\n2015        15  59  71  NaN.reset_index

test/ AssertionError

I have added CI tests for Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 in #150 and #151 - These are set to run only on a push to main because it involves 12 tests (win, mac, linux).

Also, I have updated the pandas version to 1.5.0 because this has wheels available for all of the above mentioned Python versions and the tests all succeed, whereas with 1.4.4 there is no wheel available for Python 3.11

Putting this on hold for now because it is all affected by what dependencies aisdc inherits from tensorflow-privacy