99designs / aws-vault

A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

feature request: aws-vault logout

bevel-zgates opened this issue · comments


I make a lot of use of aws-vault login <profile> which is awesome and lets me bounce around accounts, and validate config etc, etc. However, I constantly run into the issue where I cannot initialize a session on AWS bevause my old session is still active. Any way that we could get an aws-vault logout that would allow us to cull the active session. Or perhaps a aws-vault login -f <profile> would be easier to implement/cleaner.

$ aws-vault
usage: aws-vault [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments.

  --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --version                  Show application version.
  --debug                    Show debugging output
  --backend=keychain         Secret backend to use [keychain pass file] ($AWS_VAULT_BACKEND)
  --prompt=terminal          Prompt driver to use [kdialog osascript pass terminal ykman zenity] ($AWS_VAULT_PROMPT)
  --keychain="aws-vault"     Name of macOS keychain to use, if it doesn't exist it will be created ($AWS_VAULT_KEYCHAIN_NAME)
                             Name of secret-service collection to use, if it doesn't exist it will be created ($AWS_VAULT_SECRET_SERVICE_COLLECTION_NAME)
  --pass-dir=PASS-DIR        Pass password store directory ($AWS_VAULT_PASS_PASSWORD_STORE_DIR)
  --pass-cmd=PASS-CMD        Name of the pass executable ($AWS_VAULT_PASS_CMD)
  --pass-prefix=PASS-PREFIX  Prefix to prepend to the item path stored in pass ($AWS_VAULT_PASS_PREFIX)
                             Directory for the "file" password store ($AWS_VAULT_FILE_DIR)

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.


  clear [<profile>]
    Clear temporary credentials from the secure keystore

see clear


So I played around with this a bit today, and unfortunately it doesn't look like the aws-vault clear methods affect the login sessions. I've still got an active cookie (session maybe?) with the aws console. I tried a few other permutations as well too:

  • Login direct with --no-session
  • Login with IAM user
  • Login with assumed role
  • Login with sso account

Got this same result with each:


Looks like the prompt is just having us hit this: https://signin.aws.amazon.com/oauth?Action=logout

Unfortunately this is not something aws-vault will be able to achieve. The auth cookie is stored in your browser. The best you could do is create a shell alias for open https://AWS_LOGOUT_URL