910882575 / BirdSoundsDenoising

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BirdSoundsDenoising: Deep Visual Audio Denoising for Bird Sounds

This directory contains BirdSoundsDenoising dataset and the code for paper BirdSoundsDenoising: Deep Visual Audio Denoising for Bird Sounds, which is accepted by In 2023 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision(WACV).

If you have any questions, please email to youshan.zhang@yu.edu.


If you find it is helpful, please cite it as:

Zhang, Youshan, and Li, Jialu. (2023). BirdSoundsDenoising: Deep Visual Audio Denoising for Bird Sounds. In 2023 IEEE Winter Applications of Computer Vision (WACV).


The BirdSoundsDenoising dataset is available at this link.

In training and valid folders, the data structure is:






Raw_audios contain all noise bird sounds. Images are converted STFT noise bird sound images, and Masks are the labled clean sound areas. Denoised_audios are the denoised bird sound audios.

