8bithero / ateam

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Crates.io Crates.io CI license

The tool that helps optimize the code review process.


cargo install ateam

Create a GitHub API token and store it in the GITHUB_API_TOKEN env variable. You can also use a .env file.

The token needs repo and read:org selected scopes.


A-team needs to connect to GitHub's API using your GitHub API token.

You can use this guide to create one.

The token needs read access to GitHub.

You need to set the token as env variable in your shell. You can add it to your ~.bashrc, or you can use a .env file in the directory you will use ateam from (or one of the parent directories):


ATeam gives you two sub-commands: pr and todo.

ateam pr

This command helps the developers determine which pull request should be reviewed next.

To get all the pull requests of your organization (any repo), use the following command:

❯ ateam pr --org OrgName --include-mine --include-reviewed-by-me

The previous list also includes your pull requests and all the ones you already reviewed. You probably want to exclude them:

❯ ateam pr --org OrgName

The pull requests are in the order they are supposed to be reviewed. The first one is probably the one you should review first.

You can also search for specific pull requests. You can use the --query option for this. It allows you to use any condition you can use int GitHub search. The most common search is by text:

❯ ateam pr --org OrgName --query 'urgent'

Unfortunately, the --query option does not allow to combine texts with the OR operator. In the case you want to search for two or more strings, you can use the --regex option:

❯ ateam pr --org OrgName --regex 'urgent|bugfix|awesome'

You can also filter by labels:

❯ ateam pr --org OrgName --label LABEL1 --label LABEL2

To see all the possible options, you can use --help:

❯ ateam pr --help

ateam-pr 0.8.3

    ateam pr [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --blame                     Look if I changed the same files in the past (SLOW)
    -d, --debug                     Add debug information
        --exclude-tests-none        Exclude pull requests without tests
        --exclude-tests-success     Exclude pull requests with tests successful
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --include-drafts            Include draft pull requests
        --include-mine              Include my pull requests
        --include-reviewed-by-me    Include pull requests I have reviewed
        --include-tests-failure     Include pull requests with tests failure
        --include-tests-pending     Include pull requests with pending tests
        --json                      Output in JSON
        --only-mine                 select only my pull requests (enables --include-reviewed-by-me automatically)
        --requested                 Select pull requests I have been requested to review, explicitly or as a code owner
    -s, --short                     Short version. No table
    -V, --version                   Prints version information

        --batch-size <batch-size>                    Mumber of pull requests requested per batch [default: 30]
        --exclude-label <exclude-label>...           Exclude pull requests with this label. Can be used multiple times
        --label <label>...                           Filter by label. Can be used multiple times
    -n, --num <num>                                  Number of pull requests to display
        --org <organization>                         Selest all the repositoris of the organization
    -q, --query <query>                              GitHub query
        --regex <regex>                              Regexp filter on titles
        --regex-not <regex-not>                      Regexp filter on titles to exclude pull requests
    -r, --repo <repository>...                       Repositiy. Can be used multiple times to select more than one
        --required-approvals <required-approvals>    Number of required approvals [default: 2]
        --tests-regex <tests-regex>                  Select tests via regexp. The others are ignored
        --user <user>                                Query for another user

How does it work?

It implements a ranking system of your open pull requests.

Draft pull requests are excluded.

Pull requests with pending or failing tests are excluded as well unless you ask for them.

Pull requests you created are excluded too unless you ask for them.

Pull requests you already reviewed are excluded unless you ask for them.

Pull requests with conflicts are excluded.

It assigns a score to the pull requests. Then, it orders them by score. The highest first, the lowest last.

The ranking algorithm is based on several pieces of information:

 pull request score =
   last_commit_age * 2.0
   - (tests_result-1) * 2000.0
   - open_conversations * 30.0
   - (approvals - required_approvals) * 80.0
   - (reviews - required_approvals) * 50.0
   - additions * 0.5
   - deletions * 0.1
   + based_on_main_branch * 200.0
   + blame * 400.0
   + requested * 800.0
   + codeowner * 400.0


last_commit_age is the number of hours since the last pushed commit. So, older pull requests will appear first.

tests_result is 0 for successful tests, 1 for pending tests and 2 for failing tests. Note that this has only effect if the --include-tests-failure and/or --include-tests-pending are used.

open_conversations is the number of conversation not resolved and not outdated. A pull request with open conversations is already subject to reviews and discussion and, so, needs less attention.

approvals is the number of approvals of the pull requests, and required_approvals is the minimum number of approvals required (default = 2). Approved pull requests need less attention.

reviews is the number of reviews the pull request received. A pull requests with many reviews needs less attention.

additions is the number of lines added by the pull request. Small pull requests should be reviewed first. They might quickly unblock other pull requests. We promote small pull requests.

deletions is the number of lines removed by the pull request. Small pull requests should be reviewed first. Deleted lines need to be reviewed as well, but it is usually a quicker job, so they have a lower weight in the formula.

based_on_main_branch is 1 if the pull request is based on the main branch. It is 0 if based on another pull request. It is best reviewing first pull request based on the main branch.

blame is 1 if you changed in the past one of the first 5 files changed by the pull requiest.

requested is 1 if somebody requested your review explicity, not because you are a code owner.

codeowner is 1 if you are one of the code owners for this pull request.

ateam followup

This second subcommand gives you some information about the reviews you already submitted and need your attention.

The list of reviews includes:

  • Dismissed reviews: A review is usually dismissed when the branch is rebased. You probably want to re-review or re-approve.
  • Reviews with addressed conversations: The author replied to your questions or the conversations are outdated by the requested changes. The review is in this list only if all your conversations have been addressed.

ateam todo


Your pull requests:

  • Somebody opened a conversation on your pull request. You need to reply or change the code.
  • Somebody asked explicit changes to your pull request.


License:MIT License


Language:Rust 99.2%Language:Shell 0.8%