53845714nF / EventTom

The project is part of the subject Software Architecture and Quality Assurance. A subject from the first semester of the Master's in Computer Science.

Repository from Github https://github.com53845714nF/EventTomRepository from Github https://github.com53845714nF/EventTom

AWS cloud infrastructure

arneallwardt opened this issue · comments

The development of the AWS cloud infrastructure is contained in the create_infra branch. The following tasks are open:

  • Create a Database
  • Setup Network
  • Add an Application Load Balancer that appoints incoming requests to two different EC2 instances.
  • Adjust the frontend to send requests and build web socket connections with the ALB.
  • Create S3
  • Create CloudFront

How much is still to be done here? Anything I can help you with?

The biggest problem right now is that we can't set the backend url correctly in vite. (As mentioned in Discord)

Will be ready tomorrow morning

This is mostly done. But we have the following Bugs:

  1. First, we have to apply twice for uploading to S3 because of Planning phase of Terraform (It's Documented in Readme)
  2. We can't create CloudFront error with permissions on AWS lab, but we have 4 Services, so we delete CloudFront from our list.
  3. So times the ALB dose, not work. (unknown why, the reason could the use of wrong subnet very hard to debug is not reproducible)

Hi, I created #99 this should finally end the Cloud stuff.