409H / EtherAddressLookup

Adds links to strings that look like Ethereum addresses to your favourite blockchain explorer. Adds protection against private key phishing. Offers custom site bookmarks.

Home Page:http://harrydenley.com/ethaddresslookup-chrome-extension-release/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New Twitter layout breaks Twitter badges

409H opened this issue · comments

  • Using the new Twitter layout breaks the Twitter badges - it does not display them

Any reason this is still on hold?


@MysticRyuujin Twitter changed their DOM layout (& ui to show icons for OPs etc) so we cannot add the badge against the userid - it needs to be by username. There hasn't been much push from the community to get this modified for the new Twitter UI so it fell to the backburner unfortunately - however, I plan to update EAL before EOY so I can try and include it :)