3lvis / Form

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reloadWithDictionary In Form/Source/FORMDataSource.m doesn't reloadData

ff4415 opened this issue · comments


  • (void)reloadWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;

it works well but doesn't refresh View after value reloaded. I saw pr in Fix: reloadWithDictionary doesn't run targets #165 which fixed in HYPFormsCollectionViewDataSource.m .

I wonder it's same problem here in FORMDataSource.m


Thanks for reporting this bug :) Would you mind sharing the JSON you're using with your forms and the dictionary you're using to reload the data? We need this to reproduce the bug to be able to fix it.

here is my forms.json

                            "title":"最高日生活用水定额( L / 人*每天)",

I just want to clean target when selected item updated in buildingCategory .

here is the code in self.dataSource.fieldUpdatedBlock

 [weakSelf.dataSource reloadWithDictionary:@{@"WaterQuota":@0,

and if you look into the Demo "Basic-ObjC" which button "update" doesn't work well,

- (void)updateButtonAction {
    [self.dataSource reloadWithDictionary:@{@"first_name" : @"Hodo",
                                            @"salary_type" : @1,
                                            @"hourly_pay_level" : @1,
                                            @"hourly_pay_premium_percent" : @10,
                                            @"hourly_pay_premium_currency" : @10,
                                            @"start_date" : [NSNull null],
                                            @"username": @1}];

It work somehow if form 's Disabled set True,
[self.dataSource disable];

otherwise target-views doesn't refresh
it's same problem as mine.

And here's another bug


if clicked it then program abort


Thanks for your work . I have learned a lot with it .Very appreciate.