2sic / app-mobius-forms

Simple jQuery based 2sxc form - to use immediately or to modify as needed. Multi-language, simple, with Recaptcha

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Bug in Razor code in the Generic Smart Form Example (fix included)

skarpik opened this issue · comments

Mobius V5.03.01 Hybrid
DNN v.9.10.02
2SXC v12.10.0

Running the Generic Smart Form example without modification results in the following error:

Message:Customer Send mail failed: d:\Websites\dnn-9-10-2\Website\Portals\0\2sxc\MobiusForms5\live\email-templates\EmailToCustomerWithData.cs(24): error CS1061: 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,object>' does not contain a definition for 'Subject' and no extension method 'Subject' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,object>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Replacing line 24:

" + data.Subject + @"


" + data["Subject"] + @"

appears to fix the problem (no errors and the output looks correct).


@skarpik thanks for reporting this issue.

Fixed in v05.03.02.

Thank you very much for fixing this.