2mol / pboy

a small .pdf management tool with a command-line UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Distro Packaging

professorjamesmoriarty opened this issue · comments

Hello, the readme mentions a call for packaging. What some people do is make use of CI such as travis to do this. One such project is nnn and you can check out the .travis here. It makes use of Packagecore which is pretty flexible.

However when it comes to the AUR you typically want to either provide a pkgbuild file or submit to the aur yourself. It's actually fairly simple, consider it a bash file with defined process.


Hi, awesome, thank you very much for the pointers!

I'll play with it out one of these days. Of course if you want to submit a PR (can be work-in-progress), then you are very welcome to.


Regarding Arch Linux, I just installed from the AUR with the given PKGBUILD https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/paperboy (which was created by someone else) and just needed to modify the versions (and the hash), to install the 1.3 release.
I also flagged the package out of date.

The process of updating the PKGBUILD and/or testing the build process on Arch Linux, could be easily automated. Will look into it, if I can find time.