2gis / Winium.Desktop

Winium.Desktop is Selenium Remote WebDriver implementation for automated testing of Windows application based on WinFroms and WPF platforms.

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Trying to click on an element in an app but the mouse clicks in a random place on the desktop

JamieBee96 opened this issue · comments

Im trying to click on an element in this app that uses transparent overlays. Its essentially a toolbar that sits at the side of your desktop. you can expand it and navigate different menus ect. I can click on the expand button without any issues, but if i try and click on any elements once its expanded. the mouse click will happen somewhere else on the desktop.

this is the piece of code ive got that tries to click on the element, im using action chains to give it the coordinates of the element

def click_on_remote_sources():
remoteSources = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'ExpandAllFolders')
action.move_to_element_with_offset(to_element=remoteSources, xoffset=149, yoffset=384).click().perform()