2Steaks / planner

Home Page:https://planner.benjo696.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Meal planner

To get up and running you'll need to setup accounts and API keys for the following services:


  • Create .env file
  • Copy contents of default.env


Visit your FaunaDB admin panel and create a new database

  • Go to GraphQL and import the schema.sql
  • Go to Security
    • Click MANAGE ROLES
    • Click new role
    • Add all Collections and give Read|Write|Create|Delete access
    • Add all indexes and give Read access
    • Save
  • Go back to Security
    • Click NEW KEY
    • Associate it with your new role
    • Save
    • Add API key to .env variable FAUNA_API_KEY


Visit your Cloudinary admin panel

  • Copy your cloud name
  • Add Cloud name to .env variable CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME


Visit your Sendgrid admin panel

  • API key
    • Create API key with restricted access
    • Add API key to .env variable SENDGRID_API_KEY
  • Email template
    • Go to Email API
    • Create dynamic template
    • Add version
    • Choose blank template
    • Choose code editor
    • Copy contents of email-template.html
    • Add dynamic template ID to .env variable SENDGRID_SHOPPING_TEMPLATE_ID
  • Email Address
    • Add an email address to .env variable SENDGRID_EMAIL

Nutrition Metadata

Visit your Spoonacular admin panel

  • Go to Profile
  • Create API key
  • Add API key to .env variable SPOONACULAR_API_KEY




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