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Embed Python in Unreal Engine 4

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Docking QtWidget to Unreal possible?

Schizo opened this issue · comments

It's great that we can use PyQt widgets in Unreal now, but is there a way to dock it to the UI Layout, so it's more integrated?

I don't think this is possible, is 2 completely different systems


I believe it's technically possible, but would require someone to write a special Slate widget type in C++ that supports a foreign child window. In the pre-Qt maya days there were facilities that had plugins allowing Qt widgets to embed with Maya itself. As long as there are two event loops and the proper glue, I think it's technically doable. Whether or not someone will spend the time to do such a thing is another question.

When you put it like that ANYTHING is possible, but doing the QT integration will be hard and will require some dependencies, also, who's going to be the brave soul that does it 😆