200Tigersbloxed / UnityMods

A collection of my mods for games that run on the Unity Engine.

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Pulsoid Setup Troubleshoot

michaellgmichaellg opened this issue · comments

[18:51:17.499] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/MainMod] (LOG): Starting HRtoVRChat!
[18:51:17.500] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ConfigHelper] (LOG): Created Config!
[18:51:17.500] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ConfigHelper] (LOG): Loaded Config!
[18:51:17.504] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/AssetManager] (LOG): Loaded AssetBudle!
[18:51:17.505] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ModSupport.UIX] (DEBUG): Found UIX!
[18:51:17.506] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/MainMod] (LOG): UI Expansion Kit loaded!
[18:51:17.507] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ModSupport.AMAPI] (DEBUG): Found ActionMenuApi!
[18:51:17.507] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/MainMod] (LOG): ActionMenuApi loaded!
[18:51:17.667] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ParamsManager] (DEBUG): IntParameter with ParameterName: onesHR, has been created!
[18:51:17.668] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ParamsManager] (DEBUG): IntParameter with ParameterName: tensHR, has been created!
[18:51:17.669] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ParamsManager] (DEBUG): IntParameter with ParameterName: hundredsHR, has been created!
[18:51:17.669] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ParamsManager] (DEBUG): BoolParameter with ParameterName: isHRConnected, has been created!
[18:51:17.670] [HRtoVRChat] [HRtoVRChat/ParamsManager] (DEBUG): BoolParameter with ParameterName: isHRBeat and BoolCheckType of: HeartBeat, has been created!
[18:51:17.847] [HRtoVRChat] [ERROR] [HRtoVRChat/PulsoidManager] (LOG): Failed to parse JObject! Exception: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.

at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue () [0x002ef] in <0732176100fb4dce9eaf4a98a0c351a8>:0

at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read () [0x0004c] in <0732176100fb4dce9eaf4a98a0c351a8>:0

at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Load (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x00016] in <0732176100fb4dce9eaf4a98a0c351a8>:0

at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse (System.String json, Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonLoadSettings settings) [0x0000c] in <0732176100fb4dce9eaf4a98a0c351a8>:0

Whatever I do, that is all i Been getting

Settings ;
hrtype = "pulsoid"
fitbiturl = ""
hyperatesessionid = ""
pulsoidfeed = "https://pulsoid.net/widget/view/581b3275-d2ee-479"
textfilelocation = ""
ShowDebug = true
UIXSupport = true
AMAPISupport = true

When you go to the Pulsoid Feed link (with the HRM connected to Pulsoid) it should show some JSON as the result. What do you see on that page?

Oh I see the issue, you have the widget link, not the feed link. At the bottom of your widgets page in Pulsoid dashboard, scroll to the bottom and copy the feed url.

Yes! That was it! Thanks you <3
Link Cut down for safety
hrtype = "pulsoid"
hyperatesessionid = ""
pulsoidfeed = "https://pulsoid.net/v1/api/feed/d8439738-ecab-4afb"
textfilelocation = ""
ShowDebug = true
UIXSupport = true
AMAPISupport = true