1ung / pokedex-express

Build an express app to access the pokedex.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pokedex Express App

We will build our first web app using Node.js and Express - a Pokedex app.

For this exercise, we will be setting up express to intercept incoming requests on certain routes, reading data from a JSON file, and responding to HTTP requests with simple strings, JSON, or full HTML pages.

Getting Started

  1. Fork and clone this repository to your computer
  2. Run yarn install to install dependencies
  3. Look in the starter file called index.js. This will be the entry-point to your app
  4. Run node index.js to start a local server on port 3000
  5. Open localhost:3000 on your browser and see the home page

Additionally, to improve your workflow, install the nodemon package. Nodemon helps us restart our local server every time it detects a "save" event on index.js. Neat stuff.

# install nodemon in Terminal
yarn global add nodemon

# run nodemon to start server
nodemon index.js

Note on comments:

The comments in this file are deliberately verbose meant to orientate you to an Express app for the first time. Feel free to remove any or all comments.


Use the data in pokedex.json and return a response with details about the requested Pokemon. Specifically:

  • Go through pokedex.json to understand how the data is structured. Where are all the pokemon data stored? (As usual, using a JSON parser for human-readable JSON is a good idea. There are many, here is one.)

  • Return a string response "Welcome to the online Pokedex!" when a request for the root route (/) is received

  • Return a string response with the requested pokemon's information when a request comes with matching the route /names/:name (eg. localhost:3000/names/Bulbasaur should show Bulbasaur's information - for now, show only its weight value)

  • Modify your response for /names/:name to return a HTML page (instead of just a string) with a h1 tag that displays the name of the pokemon being requested, and a ul displaying its weight (eg. "Weight: 10 kg")


  • Handle the case where an invalid pokemon name is provided (eg. /names/Deadpool). Return a HTML page with a p tag that says "Could not find information about <pokemon_name> - Is that a new pokemon? Gotta catch em' all!" (replace <pokemon_name> with the requested for pokemon name)

  • Modify your response for / (homepage) to return a HTML page with a h1 tag saying "Welcome to the online Pokdex!" and a ul displaying all the pokemon that exist in the pokedex

  • Instead of showing just the weight, show all the details of the requested pokemon for /names/:name route, adding each detail as a li to the ul

  • Expose a new route for /types/:type that returns a HTML page with a ul listing the names of all pokemon that have the specified type (eg. /types/grass should show a page with names of all pokemon of grass type). Format it however you like on the page.


Build an express app to access the pokedex.


Language:JavaScript 86.1%Language:HTML 13.9%