1saeedsalehi / Persian-DatePicker

jQuery UI Datepicker with bootstrap theme (Persian Shamsi, Arabic, Gregorian Calendar Support)

Home Page:http://1saeedsalehi.github.io/Persian-DatePicker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jquery v1.9+ incompatibility

mehrizi opened this issue · comments

Great Plugin, I am using it for a while.
As of jQuery 1.9 they have removed $.browser() and that causes error when the datepicker wants to open.
Of-course I overcame this problem using some hacks suggested by jquery Migrate and I am currently using the plugin on latest jQuery version but as I think doing the actual fix should not take much I am leaving this here.

which version of persian date picker do you use ?

Sorry for late reply, I was on move.
In the header it says:
jQuery UI Datepicker 1.8.14
Which I believe you made it on top of the base jQueryUI Datepicker.
In anyway do u have any plans to update in here the repo?
