18F / analytics-reporter

Lightweight analytics reporting and publishing tool for Digital Analytics Program's Google Analytics 360 data.

Home Page:https://analytics.usa.gov/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update GA4 POC to use major version

scottqueen-bixal opened this issue · comments

User Story

As a user requesting data from the analytics-reporter-api, I want to continue accessing UA data while also being able to access GA4 data

Acceptance Criteria:

hitting an endpoint with /v1.1/ in the path continues to return UA data
hitting an endpoint with /v2.0/ in the path returns GA data

✅ analytics-reporter-api will call from db table dependent on which version is in path, ie. v1.1 or v2

✅ 1.1 => analytics_data

this endpoint returns UA data: https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/develop/v1.1/reports/language/data?api_key=DEMO_KEY1&limit=10
GA4 responses are being written from our working branch to the postgres database service

✅ 2+ => analytics_data_ga4

this endpoint returns GA4 data: https://api.gsa.gov/analytics/dap/develop/v2/reports/language/data?api_key=DEMO_KEY1&limit=10