12Knocksinna / Office365itpros

Office 365 for IT Pros PowerShell examples

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Cannot select Beta profile in ReportMFAStatusAdmins.PS1

TyrrellStephen opened this issue · comments


PS C:\Users..........\Office365itpros> .\ReportMFAStatusAdmins.PS1
Welcome To Microsoft Graph!
Select-MgProfile: C:\Users\tyrre\LocalRepos\PowerShellRepos\Office365itpros\ReportMFAStatusAdmins.PS1:8:18
Line |
8 | Select-MgProfile -Beta
| ~~~~~
| A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Beta'.

This is due to a typo in line 8 that should read 'Select-MgProfile Beta'

Thanks. Fixed. (annoying and stupid bug)