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Modify Eleventy to work with ECMAScript Modules (ESM) by default

zachleat opened this issue · comments

Node 13 projects can switch to ECMAScript Modules using "type": "module" in package.json, using .mjs files, or --input-type https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v13.x/api/esm.html#esm_enabling

This causes problems with Eleventy, which uses require and CommonJS internally.

Here it is failing on a config file require:

Without a config file, it fails on 11ty.js files too:

Explore whether or not this is a possibility. Might need a major version bump? Might want to be prepared for Node 14 stable. We’re currently at Node 8+ right now but it exits maintenance very soon so we’ll need a major version bump to at least do Node 10+: https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/

I think you may be able to get support without a major version bump, though the support would only work in versions of Node with module support itself, which seems fine.

The first thing to change would be where the JavaScript template engine performs the actual require():

getInstanceFromInputPath(inputPath) {

That will need to become async, but luckily it's internal to the template engine and only called from two already async methods.

Since you can import() a CJS module in Node with JS modules support, to detect and load a module, I think there's only two things that need to be done:

  1. Detect if the environment supports modules
  2. If so, use import() to load all JS templates, CJS or standard JS

import() only works in >= 13.2, but the syntax is valid from 10 on (not sure the exact version). So, if you support only Node 10+, this should be pretty straightforward. If you want to still support 8+, you'll need the import() expression in a file you only require after detecting module support.

As for that, I'm not sure the best way. you could just key off the Node version, but that would leave off environments in 12 using flags. That might be ok. You could also try to require a file with import(), and if that works, then try to import something, and if that works your'e in an env that supports modules.

That's the basics, but I see that you also delete the require cache as some point. I'm not sure you can do that at all with JS modules, at least without spinning up a new VM context to run the templates in and writing loader and linker functions to make it all go.

Awesome, this info is very valuable—thank you!

but I see that you also delete the require cache as some point. I'm not sure you can do that at all with JS modules

Whoa, hmm—that would be a huge limitation. We need require/import cache invalidation to get new versions of templates during a --serve or --watch.

Not too much info on the docs either: https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#esm_no_code_require_cache_code

Yeah, that's the thing to figure out before any of the other work... I wonder how big of a change it would be to spin up a new VM instance for every hot reload?

But... the module support in vm is still marked experimental, and requires a flag, so I think this would be something for a future major version of eleventy.


ES module support would be so much nicer (at least for me). I started my own little SSG in ES Module only to achieve that because I thought 11ty couldn't make the switch. As @justinfagnani said maybe there is a possibility...

Here are the things I learn in the process and I would be happy to contribute a few things if I'm good enough :D

(the following are my observation on node 13)

  1. There is no require cache for ES Modules like for commonJS.
    what has been recommended to me is to use the internal v8 "Debugger.setScriptSource" to replace code live. After few hours of research I came up with this https://gist.github.com/georges-gomes/6dc743addb90d2e7c5739bba00cf95ea
    It works most of the time but it fails quite often specially when you start modifying import/exports.
    Bugs are open on v8 for better ES modules of this API.
    Also, the code is replaced hot so none of the top level side effects are re-executed.
    I think this is bad for our purpose here.

  2. You can call import multiple times if you change the file name. On HTTP adding query params can do the trick of re-importing the module but it doesn't work on files. Node accept the query params on files but doesn't reimport. I think it's bug again. So you can still copy files and rename them then call import again...

  3. You can import commonJS modules from an ES module.

import { createRequire } from "module";
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
const es_dev_server = require("a-cjs-module");

I think it would be a good practice to have eleventy boot code in ESModule and load "templates" in cjs with this when required.

Like @justinfagnani (but it took me days to come to this :)), I think that a spawning a new VM for every hot reload is a better way to go in order to solve this issue and have a single code base for both one-shot generate and serve/watch operations.

I hope this helps

I was able to make ES imports work with the following:

node -r esm node_modules/.bin/eleventy

It uses https://github.com/standard-things/esm to make both require and import {} from work in .11ty.js files.

I needed the following command on Windows to make ESM working with 11ty:

node -r esm node_modules/@11ty/eleventy/cmd.js

Also, with the following esm config, I got export default for the 11ty config (.eleventy.js) working:

  "esm": {
    "cjs": {
      "dedefault": true

Any news on this? Would be great to be able to use import in Eleventy.

I was able to make ES imports work with the following:

node -r esm node_modules/.bin/eleventy

It uses https://github.com/standard-things/esm to make both require and import {} from work in .11ty.js files.

Do you have any repo that can be looked at?
Does your setup allow for using something like this in a .11ty.js file?

import { css } from '@linaria/core'

exports.data = {
  title: '',
  date: '',
  templateEngineOverride: '11ty.js,md',

exports.render = data =>

@TimvdLippe Does this allow imports in standard ‘.js’ data files?

@TimvdLippe Does the .11ty.js do something special over just calling your file 1-2.js? Pardon my ignorance, as I've just been using things.js in the global data directory, and want to use imports within these.

@thelucid We specify it as input here: https://github.com/ChromeDevTools/debugger-protocol-viewer/blob/c12e43d2054d074ac07f8990c4b4be54a172c3cf/.eleventy.js#L11 but other than that we don't do anything special.

I'm hitting issues with using imports within the data files, in your case _data. So something like _data/things.js doesn't work with imports.

@TimvdLippe Got it working. Thanks so much. It should be nice to see eleventy sport this by default, so that imports work out of the box.

I'm not sure eleventy should support esm directly, since it's pretty non-standard in its capabilities. I'd like to see Node's VM modules support to stabilize and eleventy can use that to load projects and still support watch mode by creating a fresh context.

I see, it that why reloads seem to have stopped working with ‘esm’?

Recent related experience

I recently started trying to port a project that used a deep _data/ directory (yes, the same name! ☻), *.mjs files, along with import and export.

I had to rename a lot of files, and grep my files for uses of import and export, which took a few passes.

It wasn’t particularly awful. But it was tedious to do. Also, I was personally a little disappointed about having to return to CommonJS syntax, as I’ve switched over to ES module syntax everywhere I can.

If not for *.js, at least *.mjs?

Eleventy already makes many decisions based on file extensions. Simply telling Eleventy “If you see any *.mjs files, parse them as ES modules” would leave existing behavior as-is, while still allowing users to opt-in to ES modules by changing a file extension.

Would an extension-based approach address concerns raised above

I’ve tested the solutions by @lennyanders (#836 (comment)) and @kuworking (#836 (comment)), using the build command syntax from the former and the esm configuration suggestion from the latter.


  "cjs": {
    "dedefault": true

The code is working in the eleventy-dot-js-blog starter kit if you’d like to peruse.

Any news/update on this? Is it being developed at all? Support for even just Node 14+ would be great.

The code is working in the eleventy-dot-js-blog starter kit if you’d like to peruse.

Unfortunately using ESM will cause issues on latest Node.js versions (v13 and up, as well as the latest backports on v12) for any dependencies that use type: module, and the ecosystem is moving in a direction where the number of these will only increase. Given that ESM has long been neglected & unmaintained, a fix is also rather unlikely at this point.

but I see that you also delete the require cache as some point. I'm not sure you can do that at all with JS modules

Whoa, hmm—that would be a huge limitation. We need require/import cache invalidation to get new versions of templates during a --serve or --watch.

ESM imports do not use the require cache in Node.js. For cache-busting the good ole' query/fragment URL method can be applied, as I was writing this up Aral published a comprehensive how-to blog post on precisely this.

I was working on a simple proof-of-concept fork to see if I could add rudimentary ESM support and I managed to get this working:

Getting --build to work is the easier one to tackle, see here. One basically needs to async-ify the code path and swap out the require for dynamic import() calls.

Of course for commonjs support one still needs to use require (e.g. for .cjs files), and that needs detection logic. At the very basic level, 11ty needs to detect/be aware of the default module system of the codebase it is working on.not needed, see Gil's note below

--serve and --watch uses a different code path and is a bit more complicated.

If the sync require in @11ty/dependency-tree needs to be asyncified there's a pretty long cascade, but it can be done:

  • sync require() in getDependenciesFor() in @11ty/dependency-tree
  • called from getCleanDependencyListFor() (exported, recursive) in @11ty/dependency-tree
  • called from getJavaScriptDependenciesFromList(), addDependencies() in EleventyWatchTargets.js (all sync)
  • called from _initWatchDependencies() in Eleventy.js, but it's is already async!

The bigger issue here isn't the async nature of dynamic import()-s but that:

  • 11ty's dependency-tree relies on require.children to map out dependencies
  • require.cache is used for cache invalidation

As mentioned above, require.cache cannot be used for invalidation, but this can be worked around. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to access module resolution (and the list of dependencies) for ES modules, so this needs another solution. In my proof-of-concept I swapped out @11ty/dependency-tree for the npm dependency-tree package, that is mentioned in the README of that internal package, and I managed to configure it so that that it would provide the list of dependencies. It is also a sync call so this could be done without async-ifying everything upstream.

I would be happy to work/contribute to a more fleshed out solution of the above @zachleat if you think this is a viable direction.

Small comment: I believe you don't have to deal differently (in terms of importing) with CJS and ESM, because Node.js allows you to use import to load CJS too. So just load everything with import.

Another 2 cents on cache-busting, which I implemented using a loader. I wrote a long technical note on it here: https://dev.to/giltayar/mock-all-you-want-supporting-es-modules-in-the-testdouble-js-mocking-library-3gh1

Just a quick note that I think this issue will become more pressing as more popular libraries move over to being ESM only. One example I ran into recently is unist-util-visit (5M downloads per week on NPM) which is now ESM only so can't be used in an Eleventy project 😢 .

I'd be very happy to contribute to this, but I don't know if the maintainers have a sense yet of how this best should be tackled?

I now have the issue with slugify v2.0.0 also.

Sindre explains the situation here: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c

Another idea of how to accomplish this while --experimental-vm-modules is still uncertain to move forward: Could 11ty watch .js files with something like nodemod and restart a child process every time they change? It'd be expensive compared to modifying the require cache, but it would only have to be done for .js files - templates, HTML, CSS, etc., could trigger a rebuild in the existing process. @zachleat

Any news in 1.0.0?


I've been following this for a bit and wanted to chime in; has anyone tried porting their 11ty site to pure ESM aside from using something like esm? Or is using a module loader like that the most elegant way to start moving towards ESM? I'm seeing a lot of modules I depend on start moving over to ESM and am trying to create a plan for how I eventually want to tackle this on my site, but not if there's official word from Zach et. al. contributors on the status of this...

One other thought I had that I'd be curious to know if any others have tried— taking advantage of Eleventy's new ✨ programmatic API ✨ and writing a short module that calls the API to handle Eleventy until official ports to ESM are out. Curious to know what people watching this thread think!

I’ve been using the import() feature in Node.js, which works well except that Eleventy can’t clear out the ESM cache, so editing an ESM file will not change your build until you restart the eleventy --serve command.

@j-f1 just use a cache buster. Something like this: await import(./my-module.mjs?buster=${Math.random()}`). Now every time the import is called, it will not use the cache.

(not very efficient memory-wise, as the older modules are not GC-ed, but it will work)

Just wanted to share I ran into this issue while writing a plugin for 11ty similar to what was captured in #836 (comment), as the main dependency of the plugin uses ESM and has type="module" in package.json.

FWIW, I had to do something similar for cache busting when I migrated a medium-ish project of mine to ESM and had to solve this same problem myself. This thread is Node.js land was helpful and echos similar solutions posted here, and from my own experience can vouch for the Workers approach. Though I didn't significantly benchmark it, it has been solid.

Update: as a temporary measure, I am able to bundle my dependency as CJS with Rollup so for now will just ship a CJS version of that alongside ESM, but otherwise, it is now working with Eleventy! 🥳

I have a work-in-progress branch at https://github.com/bennypowers/eleventy/tree/esm which converts the source to esm in a mostly-mechanical way. the parts which rely on calculating a module dependency graph based on the require cache do not work, and will likely require a fundamental redesign, unless i'm missing something (which i probably am)

But the source should be cjs to support require

that can be handled with a rollup build and package.json exports field

edit: if you want to take part, contributions on that branch are welcome as far as i'm concerned.

Is the fork by @bennypowers currently the best way to run 11ty in an ESM environment?

it doesn't really run, yet. there's still some mechanical translation work to do, but the main blocker is the module dependency graph stuff, which is harder (perhaps impossible?) with es modules.

I have a module loader which tracks dependencies, but it still requires the --experimental-vm-modules flag.

A new option, that's similar to my previous suggestion, is to use Node's new --watch flag and use that on a child process that imports the config and related files.

i'm reticent to start down either of those paths without a signal from maintenance

While we wait for this, if anyone is struggling to import ESM-only dependencies, you can do this:

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  let esmDep;

  eleventyConfig.on('eleventy.before', async ({}) => {
    esmDep = await import('esm/dep/name');

  // you can use esmDep here

Source: https://adamcoster.com/blog/commonjs-and-esm-importexport-compatibility-examples

Why is this issue still open after 4 years? I am trying to shortcode SSR Svelte 4 (ESM only).

Why is this issue still open after 4 years

@RogierKonings, Please double-check if you’ve ever supported Eleventy project on OpenCollective before asking this kind of questions. But even if you did, please don’t.

This is in development on the project-slipstream branch.

Fixed in PR #3074


@zachleat Is back! 🎉

Merged with #3074.


Thanks @zachleat! 🙏🏽

Pre-release ESM examples on the docs can be previewed here: https://11ty-website-git-v3-11ty.vercel.app/