11ty / eleventy

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

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setLiquidOptions for jsTruthy seems not working

saiballo opened this issue · comments


Operating system

ubuntu 22.04



Describe the bug

this is my .eleventy.js

module.exports = eleventyConfig => {

		jsTruthy: true

	return {
	  dir: {
		input: "src/view",
		output: "static"

I want to change behaviour of js truthy.

But I write this simple condition:

{% assign var = 0 %}

  {% if var == false %}
   condition ok!
  {% endif %}

it never appears!

Reproduction steps

No response

Expected behavior

No response

Reproduction URL

No response


No response

I think you'd need to try making a vanilla LiquidJS test case for this, but… I don't think that's how the jsTruthy option works. https://liquidjs.com/tutorials/options.html#jsTruthy

jsTruthy is used to use standard JavaScript truthiness rather than the Shopify.
it defaults to false. For example, when set to true, a blank string would evaluate to false with jsTruthy. With Shopify’s truthiness, a blank string is true.

So if I recall correctly, it's a flag to make Liquid be more JavaScript like instead of Shopify/Ruby like.
I'm not certain that 0 == false will be true with or without jsTruthy.
More LiquidJS docs at https://liquidjs.com/tutorials/truthy-and-falsy.html and CHANGELOG (added in 9.16.0).

In fact, here's my Eleventy test case (repo: https://github.com/pdehaan/11ty-2858):

<h1>jsTruthy={{ JS_TRUTHY }}</h1>

{%- assign empty = "" %}
{%- assign zero = 0 %}
{%- assign bool = false %}

{%- if empty == false %}
  [EMPTY1] condition ok!
{%- endif %}
{%- if not empty %}
  [EMPTY2] condition ok!
{%- endif %}

{%- if zero == false %}
  [ZERO1] condition ok!
{%- endif %}
{%- if not zero %}
  [ZERO2] condition ok!
{%- endif %}

{%- if bool == false %}
  [BOOL1] condition ok!
{%- endif %}
{%- if not bool %}
  [BOOL2] condition ok!
{%- endif %}

{%- if undef == false %}
  [UNDEF1] condition ok!
{%- endif %}
{%- if not undef %}
  [UNDEF2] condition ok!
{%- endif %}

And my output w/ jsTruthy=true and jsTruthy=false:

  [BOOL1] condition ok!
  [BOOL2] condition ok!
  [UNDEF2] condition ok!

  [EMPTY2] condition ok!
  [ZERO2] condition ok!
  [BOOL1] condition ok!
  [BOOL2] condition ok!
  [UNDEF2] condition ok!

So based on my quick check, the two differences when jsTruthy=true are:

[EMPTY2] condition ok!
[ZERO2] condition ok!

Where the test cases were:

{%- assign empty = "" %}
{%- assign zero = 0 %}

{%- if not empty %}
  [EMPTY2] condition ok!
{%- endif %}
{%- if not zero %}
  [ZERO2] condition ok!
{%- endif %}

So maybe you want to be checking against {% if not var %} instead of explicitly checking against Boolean false:

{% assign var = 0 %}

{% if not var %}
  condition ok!
{% endif %}

Thank you for your check. In javascript this code:

if (0 == false) {
      console.log("condition ok")

print the console message but not the same code in liquidjs:

{% if 0 == false %}
   condition ok
  {% endif %}

so, as you writed in your review, the only way is:

{% if not var %}
  condition ok!
{% endif %}

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