11ty / eleventy

A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

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Serverless path wildcard breaks on Netlify

timonforrer opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I recently bumped eleventy from 1.0.0-canary.39 to 1.0.0-beta.3 which broke the preview functionality I implemented using the serverless plugin.

The preview works as follows:

There is a global data file, that holds all pages. It exports an object and uses the full_slug from the CMS (Storyblok) as the key of each page. Like this:

    "pages/test": {
        "id": "xyz"

Then, if a request to the serverless function is made, it extracts anything after /previewand uses that string to get the page content.
So if a request to /preview/pages/test is made, it would use pages/test to get the corresponding content.

The frontmatter of the preview template file from version canary 39 looked like this:

  data: pages
  size: 1
  resolve: values
  serverless: eleventy.serverless.path._
  dynamic: '/preview/*'

However, due to the transition to path-to-regexp, this breaks, as * wildcards are no longer supported.

So I changed the frontmatter to:

  data: pages
  size: 1
  resolve: values
  serverless: eleventy.serverless.path["0"]
  dynamic: '/preview/(.*)'

The odd thing is that this works on my local machine, but not when deployed to netlify. If I change the new regex wildcard (.*) back to * it works again on netlify.

I already set NODE_VERSION to 14.15.1 for my netlify builds (same as on my computer) and AWS_LAMBDA_JS_RUNTIME to node14.x but that didn't work.

To Reproduce
Repo: Eleventy Bloks

If deployed to netlify, go to [subdomain].netlify.app/preview/pages/modular and see the response:

  "error": "No matching URL found for /preview/pages/modular/ in {\"/preview/(.*)\":\"./src/pages/preview/preview.njk\"}"

Expected behavior
Behaviour on computer and on netlify should be identical.


  • MacOS 11.5.2, node 14.15.1
  • 1.0.0-canary.39 and 1.0.0-beta.3

Fixed this, it will ship with 2.0.0-canary.5.

If you’d like to see this included on 1.x, please make your case!