11ty / eleventy

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Two posts, each one in a different collection, but with the same tag, are both outputted in both collections

rocc-o opened this issue · comments

I have two separate collections: /sounds and /sights
and in each directory the tags output like this:
/sights/tags/(all tags for sights);
/sounds/tags/(all tags for sounds).

But when I have two posts, one in /sounds and one in /sights, both with the same tag, the posts are repeated in both directories.


/sights/video-one.njk (tag: jazz-funk)
/sounds/audio-one.njk (tag: jazz-funk)



  • audio-one.html
  • video-one.html
    (but it should be only video-one.html)


  • audio-one.njk
  • video-one.njk
    (but it should be only audio-one.html)

Here's my repo which reproduce the problem: https://github.com/rocc-o/raw-test-git

The two posts, each one in a different collection but with the same tag (jazz-funk), are:

I get the following error when trying to build your site:

> You’re trying to use a layout that does not exist: _below-layout.njk (undefined)

Also, you should add a package.json with your dependencies to the repo. Makes it easier to clone and get started.

Sorry, the repo is a stripped version of the site in production and sometimes I lose the pieces.
I have now updated the layout and added the package.json.

OK, I think I know what the problem is, but not sure if I have a possible solution yet…


{% set postListItems = collections[tag] %}

Since the pagination is looping over the audio/video specific tags and then pointing to a collection, the collection will mix audio+video since they both use the same tag.

My approach would probably be adding some directory specific data files like sights/sights.11tydata.js and sounds/sounds.11tydata.js and set some category: "sights" style data and then using that to filter. Possibly somewhere in https://github.com/rocc-o/raw-test-git/blob/main/_includes/partials/components/post-list.njk where you're displaying the posts.

If you're lucky, something like this might work.

{% if item.data.category === category %}...{% endif %}

I see. Please leave me a couple of days to try this solution.
One thing though: I see that Specific Data Files is new in v0.2.14, and I'm running version 0.12.1.
Do I have to update Eleventy? If so, how can I do that? Do I have to re-install everything from scratch?
How about the code in use? Will be new v0.2.14 backward compatible?

I've tried this solution - and updated the repo as well: https://github.com/rocc-o/raw-test-git
But the problem persists. Could it be because I'm running Eleventy version 0.12.1?

  1. 0.12.1 is bigger/newer than 0.2.14, so that's fine. We're running the latest stable release.

  2. We were close! We just need a few tweaks:

    1. the *.11tydata.js files need to module.exports the value.
    2. need to explicitly set the category to sights in the sights_tags.njk file since it lives outside the sights/ folder and won't pick up that data file (and same w/ sounds_tags.njk).
diff --git a/.eleventy.js b/.eleventy.js
index 18be627..d647e6b 100644
--- a/.eleventy.js
+++ b/.eleventy.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
+  eleventyConfig.setDataDeepMerge(true);
   const now = Date.now();
   const livePosts = (post) => post.date <= now;

diff --git a/sights/sights.11tydata.js b/sights/sights.11tydata.js
index 6814c65..232c7f8 100644
--- a/sights/sights.11tydata.js
+++ b/sights/sights.11tydata.js
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-category: "sights"
+module.exports = {
+  category: "sights"

diff --git a/sights_tags.njk b/sights_tags.njk
index 81eb5b8..7b25d24 100644
--- a/sights_tags.njk
+++ b/sights_tags.njk
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ pagination:
   - post
   addAllPagesToCollections: true
 permalink: "/sights/tags/{{ tag | slug }}/"
+category: sights
 {% extends 'layouts/base.njk' %}

diff --git a/sounds/sounds.11tydata.js b/sounds/sounds.11tydata.js
index 689557c..917cabe 100644
--- a/sounds/sounds.11tydata.js
+++ b/sounds/sounds.11tydata.js
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
-category: "sounds"
+module.exports = {
+  category: "sounds"

diff --git a/sounds_tags.njk b/sounds_tags.njk
index 3f6f87c..9faa793 100644
--- a/sounds_tags.njk
+++ b/sounds_tags.njk
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ pagination:
   - post
   addAllPagesToCollections: true
 permalink: "/sounds/tags/{{ tag | slug }}/"
+category: sounds
 {% extends 'layouts/base.njk' %}

Great! It works!
One problem though: last articles on index homepage are gone

<h2>Latest articles in Sights</h2>
{% set postListItems = collections.sights | head(4) %}
{% include "partials/components/post-list.njk" %}

<h2>Latest articles in Sounds</h2>
{% set postListItems = collections.sounds | head(4) %}
{% include "partials/components/post-list.njk" %}


You might need to set the category on that page too, or possibly add more logic to the post-list.njk include file to account for empty/null categories.

See if this works:

 <h2>Latest articles in Sights</h2>
 {% set postListItems = collections.sights | head(4) %}
+{% set category = "sights" %}
 {% include "partials/components/post-list.njk" %}

 <h2>Latest articles in Sounds</h2>
 {% set postListItems = collections.sounds | head(4) %}
+{% set category = "sounds" %}
 {% include "partials/components/post-list.njk" %}

Yes! Like a charm! Thank you so much Peter!