11ty / eleventy

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1.0.0-beta.1: eleventyComputed doesn't interpolate global data in front-matter arrays

AleksandrHovhannisyan opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

If eleventyComputed contains an array of objects (key-value pairs), and you try to interpolate global data inside one of the string values, it gets output literally as "{{ whatever }}" rather than interpreted as the value of whatever. That is, this doesn't work anymore:

      key: "{{ variable }}"

This is working correctly on 0.12.1 but seems to have regressed when upgrading to beta 1.

To Reproduce

  1. Clone https://github.com/AleksandrHovhannisyan/11ty-sandbox
  2. Run yarn to install dependencies.
  3. Check out the following branch: eleventycomputed-arrays.
  4. Run yarn serve.
  5. Observe two logs, one that works and another that doesn't.

The repo has two things: a data file (src/_data/data.js) and a page (src/index.html).


module.exports = {
  dynamicValue: 42


    notArray: "{{ data.dynamicValue }}"
            staticKey: "static value"
            dynamicKey: "{{ data.dynamicValue }}"

{{ notArray | log }}
{{ array | first | log }}

notArray logs 42 correctly. The array log prints:

{ staticKey: 'static value', dynamicKey: '{{ data.dynamicValue }}' }

Expected behavior

The following should get logged:

{ staticKey: 'static value', dynamicKey: '42' }

On 0.12.1, this works as expected; the value gets interpolated in the string rather than interpreted literally. Example on my site where I do this: https://github.com/AleksandrHovhannisyan/aleksandrhovhannisyan.com/blob/master/src/_layouts/post.html#L9


  • Eleventy Version: 1.0.0-beta.1

Looks like this may be related to data deep merging getting enabled in v1.0.0. When I disable it (0.x behavior), this test case passes:


But that doesn't seem to be the desired behavior of deep merging (unless I misunderstood how it works), so this is a temporary fix.


I’m not 100% sure that the YAML you provided there was accurate though or that this is related to data deep merge.

  notArray: "{{ data.dynamicValue }}"
    - "static value"
    - "{{ data.dynamicValue }}"

{{ "not array" | log }}
{{ notArray | log }}
{{ "array" | log }}
{{ array | log }}


not array
[ 'static value', '{{ data.dynamicValue }}' ]

independent of data deep merge or not.

This will ship with 1.0.0-beta.3

Awesome, thank you!