11ty / eleventy-img

Utility to perform build-time image transformations.

Home Page:https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nunjucks shortcode inside an include doesn't seems to be rendered

TixieSalander opened this issue · comments


I may missing something but putting a Eleventy Img shortcode inside of an include make it stop working and not render the entire include.

I've first setup a shortcode inside Eleventy config file following the documentation:

const EleventyImg = require("@11ty/eleventy-img");

async function postImageShortcode(src, alt) {
	if(alt === undefined) {
	  // You bet we throw an error on missing alt (alt="" works okay)
	  throw new Error(`Missing \`alt\` on responsiveimage from: ${src}`);

	let metadata = await EleventyImg(src, {
		widths: [184,308,616],
		formats: ['avif', 'webp', 'jpeg'],
    outputDir: './_site/img/'

	  let lowsrc = metadata.jpeg[0];
	  let highsrc = metadata.jpeg[metadata.jpeg.length - 1];

	  return `<picture>
		${Object.values(metadata).map(imageFormat => {
		  return `  <source type="${imageFormat[0].sourceType}" srcset="${imageFormat.map(entry => entry.srcset).join(", ")}">`;
      style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;"

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

  eleventyConfig.addNunjucksAsyncShortcode("postImage", postImageShortcode);

	eleventyConfig.addCollection("posts", function (collectionApi) {
		return collectionApi.getFilteredByGlob("posts/*.md");


And then use it that way inside of nunjucks files:

{% postImage "img/my-image.jpg", post.data.title %}

Directly in the file it works probperly:

{%- for post in collections.posts %}
  {% postImage "img/martin-bennie-5Eobs8jiW-c-unsplash.jpg", post.data.title %}
{%- endfor %}

but if I move it in an included file (in _include/my-include-file.njk), then nothing from the include file is rendered, like it wasnt called:

{%- for post in collections.posts %}
    {% include 'my-include-file.njk' %}
{%- endfor %}

I made a demo repo https://github.com/TixieBorg/demo-11ty-img-include and deployed it on Netlify to get a real life example:

I don't quite understand why it fails that way and since it doesn't return any error I don't know where to look at. So thank you so much in advance if you have an idea 🙏

I think Nunjucks' {% for %} tag doesn't always like async code (which your shortcode is).
Ref: https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/templating.html#asynceach

Maybe something like this, using {% asyncEach post in collections.posts %}…{% endeach %}:

      {# Inside include #}
          {%- asyncEach post in collections.posts %}
              {% include 'post-card.njk' %}
          {%- endeach %}

(also see 11ty/eleventy#2088 which has some details+examples and links to other related issues.)


That was that, thank you problem solved!