11ty / eleventy-img

Utility to perform build-time image transformations.

Home Page:https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Different widths

tristengrant opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to set different widths? I'm able to set default widths but it would be nice to be able to change the image's widths depending on its use.

Not sure how you've implemented the image utility. If you use an async function as demonstrated at https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/image/#use-this-in-your-templates, then you can pass a widths array to the function. The example has this code:

async function imageShortcode(src, alt, sizes) {
    let metadata = await Image(src, {
        widths: [300, 600],
        formats: ["avif", "jpeg"]

    // ...

Change it to this:

async function imageShortcode(src, alt, sizes, widths) {

    if (!widths) {
        widths = [300, 600];
    let metadata = await Image(src, {
        widths: widths,
        formats: ["avif", "jpeg"]

    // ...

Now you have a default set of widths, 300 and 600 pixels. But you can override it as needed:

{% picture "foo.jpeg", "", "100vw", [300, 600, 800] %}