11ty / eleventy-base-blog

A starter repository for a blog web site using the Eleventy static site generator.

Home Page:https://eleventy-base-blog.netlify.app/

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Separate source subdirectory within root?

switch-to-gitlab opened this issue · comments

I got tripped up by the directory structure.

This happened because I was npm installing a package that had a README.md into a scripts/ folder I was passing through. I figure this is a fairly common use case.

If I submitted a PR that put the source into a subdirectory, would you accept?

Ah I think it would be more straightforward to add an ignore for node_modules directories right? Probably in .eleventyignore

@zachleat If I understand correctly, that would prevent the node_modules folder from being included in the output site entirely, right?

I need node_modules to be there because it contains runtime dependencies of my scripts, so I need it to be passed through, but without any additional processing by eleventy.

Ah perhaps not-obviously .eleventyignore only applies to the file extension search from templateFormats (not manual passthrough copy files, e.g. addPassthroughCopy method). Specifically step #1 in the order of operations: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/advanced-order/

Also worth noting here that 11ty/eleventy#383 changed the default behavior in 1.0 to always ignore root node_modules/**

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