1000Memories / TMQuiltView

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Reload cells after new cell insertion with NSFetchedResultsController

patrickmidori opened this issue · comments

Trying to insert a new Cell with NSFetchedResulltController doesn't seems to reload the cells. New cell doesn't appear event if I put a reloadData after it. It appears when I restarted the app, so the insertion in Core Data works. I'm using the last TMQuiltView.m.

The problem is that layoutSubviews is never called, which means that the bookkeeping for columns isn't refreshed. If you call [quiltView setNeedsLayout], it should work.

Unfortunately it doesn't seems to change anything. In fact layoutSubviews is called after insertion but nothing happens on the view. Maybe it comes from my code.

@jogloran Your commit is not completely accurate because it only takes care of "reloadData".

I fixed the issue here: 99a0f20