1000Memories / TMQuiltView

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cell disappear (serious bug)

phamquy opened this issue · comments

In original demo project

Change number of cell

- (NSInteger)quiltViewNumberOfCells:(TMQuiltView *)TMQuiltView {
    return 3; // [self.images count];

Change the height of cell

- (CGFloat)quiltView:(TMQuiltView *)quiltView heightForCellAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    return 100; //[self imageAtIndexPath:indexPath].size.height / [self quiltViewNumberOfColumns:quiltView];

After scroll to top to so that first two cell hidden then release scrolling, the second cell is disappeared.

it's dupplicate Fixes#7. Close it