0xroyce / bastienone

Bastien One is being developed as autonomous A.I. bot with the capacity to complete complex tasks - either by itself or by creating additional specialised bots should it be required.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bastien One

The project has been moved: Virtuoso Edge

What if we already have all that is needed to create helpful and complex autonomous AI bots?

Bastien One is being developed as autonomous A.I. bot with the capacity to complete complex tasks - either by itself or by creating additional specialised bots should it be required.

The goal is to develop ecosystem capable of not only completing simple tasks but also complex tasks, e.g. running a important parts of a business; or creating and running business by itself.

Updates & Progress


June 7th 2023

Core functionality done and decided to add web app component so we can accelerate the adoption after release. Remove beta version release aim towards end of 2023, it will be sooner.


Follow progress on @petrroyce

End to end Bastien One journey example: https://twitter.com/petrroyce/status/1665464579483226113

Task: "Your goal is to make a presidential campaign for Bastien One who wants to become a president in 2024."

Number of bots with different purpose identified, created and executed: 6


In general, Bastien One is trying to simulate human behaviour in order to achieve goal and provide the best output.

The following is taken into an account in order to achieve best ouput.

  • Analysis of initial tasks; proposal of an approach to solution
  • Self-Criticism of provided solution in order to ensure best initial approach is taken based on known information
  • Identification if goal can be achieved by Bastien One with general knowledge or if additional bots with specialised knowledge need to be created
  • Prioritisation and tasks management of Bastien One tasks and tasks of bots created by Bastien One
  • Access to web to gather information; analysis of inputs - be it written or in image/video format
  • Execution of various tasks with different level of complexity
  • Collection, completion and summarisation of all outputs

Simplified Flow


Since Bastien One needs to have capability to manage tasks with different level of complexity, it will need to create different number of A.I. bots with its own logic and speciality. This will drive increased level of complexity on prioritisation, summarisation and tasks management.

Another challenge is speed - analysis of multiple content (primarily video) could be heavy on resources jeopardising speed. The question about expectations on speed of outcome remains unanswered at the moment. Whilst Bastien One is expected to complete tasks faster and more efficiently than a human, the expectations may be higher.

Key Elements To Success

In general, the following key elements have been set for Bastien One to become successful autonomous A.I. bot.

  • Perception: Be able to gather and interpret/perceived data.
  • Cognition: Have the capacity to process, analyze, and understand the gathered data, allowing to make informed decisions.
  • Learning: Have the ability to improve performance over time by adapting to new situations and refining decision-making processes.
  • Decision-making: Have the capacity to select appropriate actions based on the current situation, goals, and available resources.
  • Memory: Have the ability to store and retrieve relevant information, allowing Bastien One to learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge to new situations.
  • Communication: Have the ability to interact with other agents or humans.
  • Action: Have the capacity to execute selected actions, e.g. accessing and gathering information from web.
  • Adaptability: Have the ability to adjust to changes in the environment or task requirements.
  • Goal-oriented behavior: Have the ability to set and pursue specific objectives to achieve goal.
  • Ethics and safety: Be sure that the AI agent operates within ethical boundaries and does not pose risks to humans or other agents.



Feel free to reach out via Twitter @petrroyce or via email


Bastien One is being developed as autonomous A.I. bot with the capacity to complete complex tasks - either by itself or by creating additional specialised bots should it be required.