0xflotus / ha-store

Efficient data fetching

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High-Availability store

Efficient data fetching

ha-store Node Build Status Dependencies Status

How it works

Want to make your app faster and don't want to spend on extra infrastructure ? Using Zeta distributions or the out-of-the-box config, you can do both with HA-store!

HA-store is a generic wrapper for your data queries, it features:

  • Smart micro-caching for 'hot' information (in-memory or using the redis-adapter)
  • Loads of features (request coalescing, batching, retrying and circuit-breaking)
  • Insightful stats and events
  • Lightweight, low resource and has zero dependencies


npm install ha-store


const store = require('ha-store');
const itemStore = store({
  resolver: getItems,
  uniqueParams: ['language']

// Anywhere in your application

itemStore.get('123', { language: 'fr' })
  .then(item => /* The item you requested */);

itemStore.get(['123', '456'], { language: 'en' })
  .then(items => /* All the items you requested */);


Name Required Default Description
resolver true - The method to wrap, and how to interpret the returned data. Uses the format <function(ids, params)>
responseParser false (system) The method that format the results from the resolver into an indexed collection. Accepts indexed collections or arrays of objects with an id property. Uses the format <function(response, requestedIds, params)>
uniqueParams false [] The list of parameters that, when passed, generate unique results. Ex: 'language', 'view', 'fields', 'country'. These will generate different combinaisons of cache keys.
cache false
  base: 1000,
  step: 5,
  limit: 30000,
  curve: <function(progress, start, end)>
Caching options for the data
batch false
  tick: 50,
  max: 100
Batching options for the requests
retry false
  base: 5,
  step: 3,
  limit: 5000,
  curve: <function(progress, start, end)>
Retry options for the requests
breaker false
  base: 1000,
  step: 65535,
  limit: 16777215,
  curve: <function(progress, start, end)>
Circuit-breaker options, enabled by default and triggers after the retry limit
storePluginFallback false true If a custom store plugin errors, fallback to the default in-memory store
storePluginRecoveryDelay false 10000 If a custom store plugin errors and storePluginFallback is true, ha-store will attempt to recover the store every storePluginRecoveryDelay

*All options are in (ms) *Scaling options are represented via and exponential curve with base and limit being the 2 edge values while steps is the number of events over that curve.

Monitoring and events

HA-store emits events to track cache hits, miss and outbound requests.

Event Description
cacheHit When the requested item is present in the microcache, or is already being fetched. Prevents another request from being created.
cacheMiss When the requested item is not present in the microcache and is not currently being fetched. A new request will be made.
coalescedHit When a record query successfully hooks to the promise of the same record in transit.
query When a batch of requests is about to be sent.
queryFailed Indicates that the batch has failed. Retry policy will dictate if it should be re-attempted.
retryCancelled Indicates that the batch has reached the allowed number of retries and is now abandonning.
querySuccess Indicates that the batch request was successful.
bumpCache When a call for an item fully loaded in the microcache succeeds, it's ttl gets extended.
clearCache When an item in the microcache has reached it's ttl and is now being evicted.
circuitBroken When a batch call fails after the limit amount of retries, the circuit gets broken - all calls in the next ttl will automatically fail. It is assumed that there is a problem with the data-source.
circuitRestored Circuit temporarily restored, a tentative to the data-source may be sent.
circuitRecovered The tentative request was successful and the circuit it's assumed that the data-source has recovered.
storePluginErrored The custom store has encountered an error
storePluginRestored The custom store has been re-instantiated

You may also want to track the amount of contexts and records stored via the size method.


npm test

npm run bench


Please do! This is an open source project - if you see something that you want, open an issue or file a pull request.

I am always looking for more maintainers, as well.


Apache 2.0 (c) 2018 Frederic Charette


Efficient data fetching



Language:JavaScript 100.0%