0vercl0k / wtf

wtf is a distributed, code-coverage guided, customizable, cross-platform snapshot-based fuzzer designed for attacking user and / or kernel-mode targets running on Microsoft Windows and Linux user-mode (experimental!).

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Own Fuzzer build fails: Did you forget to include "#include "path/to/wtf/src/build/CMakeFiles/wtf.dir/RelWithDebInfo/cmake_pch.hxx"

Flerov opened this issue · comments

Hey again.
So I'm currently trying to fuzz some network packets in kernel and made the kernel hook and user application as similar as I could to your hevd example.
I thought I could just reuse the hevd_fuzzer since my dump is also right at the call to DeviceIoControl. In WinDbg it looks like this:
00007fff7c328e8c ff156ed20000 call qword ptr [WinDivert!_imp_DeviceIoControl (00007fff7c336100)] ds:002b:00007fff7c336100={KERNEL32!DeviceIoControlImplementation (00007fff8ee75b70)}
but it seems like it doesnt work like this. Though I can start both server and fuzzer I dont get any crashes and my fuzzer windows get spammed with "nt!SwapContext" prints.

So I was trying to add my own fuzzer "passthru_fuzzer.cc" to the wtf-solution I copied the code from hevd_fuzzer.cc and changed the namespace. Compiling the project results in the error:
Did you forget to include "#include "path/to/wtf/src/build/CMakeFiles/wtf.dir/RelWithDebInfo/cmake_pch.hxx"

Any help again much appreciated

I dont see why this error occurs in first place or how I could fix this since the precompiled headers are all included in the projects-settings... compiling without my passthru_fuzzer.cc also never resulted in that error

Yes. Thank you alot.
Youre stunning with your fast replies :D

Closing as it seems your issue is fixed.
