0A7V9A / sysmansquadblogdev

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Domain Registrar - Hosted on domains.google.com
DNS - CloudFlare


Fork this repository!

Fork us

On github, create a fork of https://github.com/SysManSquad/sysmansquadblogdev, replace the URL below with the correct URL for your fork:

Be sure and run the git commands below before running a hugo server or it will cause you all kinds of trouble.

git clone https://github.com/SysManSquad/sysmansquadblogdev
git submodule init
git submodule update

This will download the site code and theme to your computer.

Use Hugo to preview your work

If you want to see your post in Hugo before submitting you'll need Hugo installed. Follow these steps:

As an administrator, in powershell:

Set-Executionpolicy bypass
install-module chocolatey
Install-ChocolateyPackage hugo

This installs the chocolatey software manager and the hugo server to your machine.

To Launch Website Locally

Run this command from the root of your sysmansquadblogdev folder, replacing the path below

  hugo server -D  

Hugo will give you a URL to use to view the site as you make changes. Open this link in your browser and leave Hugo running in the background.



Language:HTML 51.0%Language:Shell 49.0%