07th-mod / onikakushi

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Kilicool64 opened this issue · comments

Will post updates if I find more.

Same issue. May have been a copy+paste mistake. Did this say something other than axe in the past?

Happened again a few lines later. Not gonna bother to keep taking screenshots of this. Just do a find+replace for "a axe".

I can't find "a axe" when searching the repo.


it's in this file, depending on the voice matching level, I'll get proper link in a sec

	if(GetGlobalFlag(GCensor) >= 2){ModCallScriptSection("zonik_004_vm0x_n01","dialog009");}
	if(GetGlobalFlag(GCensor) <= 1){ModCallScriptSection("zonik_004_vm00_n01","dialog009");}

Should be just these four instances in that file.

NULL, "Well, it certainly would be quite the spectacle for a girl of her age to be roaming around with a axe.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));

NULL, "Somebody gallivanting about while waving a axe around certainly would seem dangerous.", Line_Normal);

NULL, "She's probably the only person who could carry a axe around Hinamizawa and not be considered suspicious...", Line_Normal);

NULL, "First of all, I'd never used a axe before.", GetGlobalFlag(GLinemodeSp));

I think you only ever see this if your voice matching level is 0 or 1. (closer to PC)

Yeah, my voice matching level is at 0.

Rena's "hauuu" seems to be translated differently on some occasions. In particular, I've seen her say "hao" multiple times.

This arc's translation is also guilty of frequently having characters, especially Rena, refer to people they're directly talking to in third person in situations where it's not appropriate in English.

Also, some of the references to money are converted from Yen to Dollars, but not all of them.

Elongating the e at the end doesn't really make sense, given that it's silent.

Does it really make sense for Rika to use "we" here? She should just be confirming that she already found what she needs, then ask Keiichi if it's the same for him. So shouldn't it be "I"?


Where is the problem on this one?


Where is the problem on this one?

That link doesn't work for me. Can't see the image.

Here's an especially weird use of Hao.

Quadruple period.

For some reason, part of the first TIP's name has a notably thinner font than everything else.

Also, is Satoko's last name really romanized like this in the translation? I thought it was always spelled Houjou.

Edit: Yeah, this is clearly a mistake. Even the actual TIPS selection menu spells it Houjou. How did that happen?

Missing word.

Double period.

For some reason, part of the first TIP's name has a notably thinner font than everything else.

Also, is Satoko's last name really romanized like this in the translation? I thought it was always spelled Houjou.

Edit: Yeah, this is clearly a mistake. Even the actual TIPS selection menu spells it Houjou. How did that happen?

Make sure to not mix issues that aren't script typos. That one needs image editing.

Probably a missing word.

That one is correct. "one of those shows you love so much" can be "it" and you see it easily: Was it on last night?

That one is correct. "one of those shows you love so much" can be "it" and you see it easily: Was it on last night?

Whoops. Yeah, I see it now. Didn't read the sentence properly.

Weird to see Rena refer to herself in third person here. Most instances of that were removed in the translation. Probably won't be mentioning future instances of this, but I recall her way of speaking generally being inconsistent.

Wouldn't "your" be more appropriate here?

Are there any parts in other arcs that bring up manga? Might be worth checking for consistency if it always gets translated as comics.

I don't think double question marks are a common sight in English. I ignored an earlier instance because it was for a rather strong exclamation of surprise, but are they really appropriate here?

"quit their job" No, it's correct in context. They is the subject mentioned.
For the double question marks, I found 37 results for that, so it's same to assume it's used frequently. Doesn't matter much, it makes emphasis.

Only found this afterwards in the fourth, 9th and 10th TIPS, but this capitalization is inconsistent with the rest of Onikakushi's translation, which uses "pm" rather than "PM."

Considering PM is never written like this in Onikakushi outside of the TIPS, I'd assume AM isn't meant to be handled like this either.

That last sentence seems weird to me. Maybe remove the "to?"

Sudden shift in tense.

Shouldn't it be "woken?"

I assume it should either be "enemy was" or "enemies were."

The last two paragraphs are both spoken by Mion, yet are separated with quotation marks. That seems weird and doesn't normally happen in Higurashi's script from my experience, since that indicates the speaker switching. Might be because the second paragraph is from a censorship-level dependent script. If these two blocks of text aren't separated like this in the original script, I don't think they should be here, but I don't know if they are.

Rena had a line there but it was removed yeah.

Was that line in the original PC version? If so, why is retaining it not an option, even when the voice matching level is set to 0?

Was that line in the original PC version? If so, why is retaining it not an option, even when the voice matching level is set to 0?

It's more that the line was from Rena before.
Also, voice matching... is somewhat of a deprecated feature.

Ah, okay. So Rena used to speak it herself. In that case, you should eliminate the quotation marks separating it and the previous line, since no change in speaker is happening anymore.

Seems weird that the single quotation marks don't surround the "out" in the last paragraph, given that they do in the other three instances. Is that how it's supposed to be?

I don't think the translation usually puts a space after an opening ellipsis. Might be wrong, though.

More third person use.

For some reason, Rena refers to Keiichi without honorific here, even though she clearly does in Japanese. This is ignoring the whole awkwardness of her using third person here to begin with.

Tense shift.

Another one, though a bit more debatable.

Doesn't seem like a question to me.

Missing space.

Again, that doesn't look like a question to me.

Unwanted space.

Okay, I'm done. Moving on to Watanagashi next.

Thanks, fixed that stuff. Btw you missed a handful more of those 'transfer' out

I see you changed one of the lines to "Then Keiichi-kun picked out that big box of Pork-bone & Ginger flavor that you love so much, didn't you☆?"

Does that really make sense? It still refers to Keiichi in third person at first, then switches to second person. Wouldn't it be better to use second person everywhere?

Also worth noting that there are loads of lines line this throughout Onikakushi. (And at least a few more instances of Rena using third person on herself.) If you're on board with them being changed, I can start pointing them out as well from now on.

I guess so yeah.