07th-mod / onikakushi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Censorship flag

orian34 opened this issue · comments

ModPlayVoiceLS(3, 1, "s20/01/440100006", 128, TRUE);

From betting money to a simple challenge

Old lines :
NULL, " It's impossible to challenge me by birthday!!", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLine(NULL, " ……何ならひと月差ごとに100円の賭けをしてもいいぜー!」",
NULL, " ... I wouldn't even mind you if you bet a dollar per month!"", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);

DrawBustshot( 1, "re_se_na_a1", -160, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, TRUE );

//「え@ え?@ なんでだろ@ なんでだろ?!¥
OutputLine(NULL, "「え?",
NULL, ""Huh?", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLine(NULL, " え?!",
NULL, " Huh!?", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLine(NULL, " なんでだろ?",
NULL, " Why?", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLine(NULL, " なんでだろ?!」",
NULL, " Why!?"", Line_Normal);

// 突然、賭けにされて狼狽するレナ@
OutputLine(NULL, " 突然、賭けにされて狼狽するレナ。",
NULL, "Rena panicked at suddenly being challenged to a wager.", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);

// ...うろたえ具合から今月の小遣いは残り少ないと断定する@
OutputLine(NULL, " …うろたえ具合から今月の小遣いは残り少ないと断定する。",
NULL, "... Given how panicked she is, I am certain she doesn't have much allowance left this month.", Line_WaitForInput);
OutputLineAll(NULL, "\n\n", Line_ContinueAfterTyping);

// しかし...、たかだか誕生日程度でこうもうろたえてくれると、楽しくて仕方がないぞ¥
OutputLine(NULL, " しかし…、たかだか誕生日程度でこうもうろたえてくれると、楽しくて仕方がないぞ。",
NULL, "It's just... Sending her into a panic about something as simple as a birthday is so fun, I can't help myself.", Line_Normal);