07th-mod / higurashi-rei

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Patch Thread

drojf opened this issue · comments

Status of patch / Where to get each patch component


Clone this repository (https://github.com/07th-mod/higurashi-rei) for the latest scripts.

If you tag a commit, this repository will automatically build a release including the DLL and upload it here: https://github.com/07th-mod/higurashi-rei/releases. But currently it won't compile scripts automatically as I haven't set it up yet.

Voice Pack


Graphics Pack

Not ready yet.


Not ready yet, but the game will fine work without it. This will cause Fonts, UI, and some other images to be the same as the unmodded game.

Shared Assets Similarity

All the stores are identical (exactly the same file) for a given OS, the only difference is between OS versions (linux, mac, windows).

I'm pretty sure the sharedassets0.assets.resS file (the big file) is the same for all platforms, but I haven't fully checked. Only the sharedassets0.assets file differs between OS.

So you should only need 3 versions (Win/Linux/Mac), or 2 if it turns out the Mac and Linux versions are interchangeable.

Stock Shared Assets

Stock Shared Assets for all platforms: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ar-lAVeetlqhhJgkyJFVDEXJktiPCQ?e=NEYwb6

Shared Assets Checksums



See here for the status of the DLL: 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly#74

Stable DLL Download: https://07th-mod.com/higurashi_dlls/higurashi-rei/Assembly-CSharp.dll


? What videos do we need for this chapter ?

The way the DLL is setup, we can use just one video file for all platforms, if the .webm video quality is good enough. Otherwise we can do what we did with the previous chapters and have one format for Windows, and one for Linux/Mac . Some testing may be required.

See here for the video formats supported on each platform: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/VideoSources-FileCompatibility.html


  • Make this repository compile scripts automatically in Github Actions builds
  • Workout all DLL issues from here: 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly#74
  • Prepare Graphics Pack
  • Prepare SharedAssets

I think this has all been resolved already so I'm closing this issue.