0-vortex / nestjs-test-tooling

testing some tooling choices for nestjs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bug: missing dependency in package.json

takanome-dev opened this issue · comments

Hey @0-vortex, thanks for putting together this great template ❤️

Just used it to spin a new project and while starting the server, I noticed that class-validator is missing in the deps.


Would be more than happy to send a pr if welcomed :)

Thanks a lot, I have since moved to experimenting with a real world scenario: https://github.com/TMCB-SPACE/nestjs-realworld-price-collector-app

Let me know if you find that boilerplate more enticing 🔥 🚀

Let me know if you find that boilerplate more enticing

It's great, I love it 😁 Just need to set up redis and clickhouse 👍